Mission of the Quarter Chairman: Margaret White
If you have a mission opportunity that takes place in the Carolinas District (NC & SC) and you would like to apply for a Mission of the Quarter, please get in touch with Margaret White through the email link at the top of the page or Use this form to apply:
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We continue to support missions with our MOQ money. The 3rd Qtr MOQ 2024, $536.00 went to Pastors’ Family Retreat at Camp Linn Haven. Please remember the new deadline for MOQ money to be sent to the financial secretary…15 Days after the end of the quarter!
4th Mission of the Qtr 2024 (Oct/Nov/Dec)—The LOT Project, Anderson, SC
The mission of The LOT Project is to cultivate intentional relationships with those in need; to build connections to the opportunities in the Anderson community, and to serve the neighbors in creative & empowering ways, through the love of Jesus. Twice a week, they get together with volunteers & donors to serve a community meal & meet other basic needs for homeless, transient & housing insecure neighbors. They also provide shoes, coats & blankets to those in need. They operate 2 community gardens to provide a place where people come together to raise food, faith & friendship. From these gardens, the produce is given to the surrounding community where neighbors can enjoy the outdoors & all that God & creation has to offer.
Submitted by the Abiding Savior Lutheran Church LWML.
1st Mission of the Qtr 2025 (Jan/Feb/March)—Backpacks/Camp Linn Haven
July 21, 2025, the Servant week at camp will be making backpacks for children who do not have school supplies. Paper, pencils, pens, crayons, notebooks, etc will be put in the backpacks according to the grades. Information about the camp, church, and services will be included.
Submitted by Deborah Moore.
2nd Mission of the Qtr 2025 (Apr/May/June)—Family Care Center of Catawba Valley, Inc.
Founded in 1988, Family Care Center of Catawba Valley, Inc., a Christian organization, serves homeless families with dependent children through an emergency and residential program. They offer physical, emotional, social, and educational services to assist families in the transition to becoming self-sufficient. FCC is a non-profit. One of their most needed supply is paper products, i.e. Paper towels and toilet tissue. Funds would be used to purchase the most needed supplies for the families. Submitted by St.
Stephens LCMS, LWML.
We continue to pray for our MOQ projects. Thank you for supporting these mission activities as we seek to be Jesus’ hands and feet to those in need of His love and care!
Margaret Whtie, Mission of Quarter Chairman