Mission of the Quarter

Mission of the Quarter Chairman: Margaret White

If you have a mission opportunity that takes place in the Carolinas District (NC & SC) that you would like to apply for a Mission of the Quarter, please get in touch with Margaret White through the email link at the top of the page. Or you can find the MOQ form on our website. Using this form

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Chosen Form: Mission of the Quarter Application

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Please remember the new deadline for MOQ money to be sent to the financial secretary…15 Days after the end
of the quarter!

We continue to pray for our MOQ projects. Thank you for supporting these mission activities as we seek to be
Jesus’ hands and feet to those needing His love and care!

April/May/June 2024 Salvation Army, Hickory NC
The Salvation Army of Hickory serves nine surrounding counties in the Greater Hickory and High Country
area. They frequently run out of food as they help combat hunger through their Food Pantry, Soup
Kitchen, and Shelter. The LWML of Augustana Lutheran Church will use these funds to shop for food
supplies and then take them to the shelter in the name of the Carolinas District. They have supported this
mission in the past and would like to continue to support them in their time of need.

Margaret White, Mission of Quarter Chairman